
Best Presentation Award

Name Tsuyoshi  Izaki
Grade M2
Date 2024/7/5
Award Title Best Presentation Award
Promoter 製銑科学技術コンソーシアム
Title Performance evaluation of an indirect heated fixed-bed reactor using molten salt as heat transfer fluid for thermochemical energy storage with calcium oxide/water system

R6 March, Kakuyukai Award ,Best Student Award

Name Ryu Hamamura
Date 2024/3/26
Award Title R6 March, Kakuyukai Award ,Best Student Award
Promoter Kakuyukai
Graduate Major in Nuclear Engineering , Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title Development of copper-palladium composite hydrogen permeable membrane using reverse build-up method and evaluation of application to methanol steam reforming reaction

R6 March, Kakuyukai Award ,Best Student Award

Name Tsukasa Sugiyama
Date 2024/3/26
Award Title R6 March, Kakuyukai Award ,Best Studen Award
Promoter Kakuyukai
Graduate Major in Nuclear Engineering , Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title Study on composite materials and an indirect heat fixed-bed reactor for calcium oxide/water-based thermochemical energy storage

The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Best Presentation Award

Name Ryu Hamamura
Grade M2
Date 2023/11/2
Award Title Best Presentation Award
Promoter The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Title Development of Hydrogen Permeable Menbrane for High-purity Hydrogen Production

R5 March, Kakuyukai Award

Name Kyosuke Motizuki
Grade M2
Date 2023/3/27
Award Title R5 March, Kakuyukai Award
Promoter Kakuyukai
Title Development of composite materials using calcium oxide for thermochemical energy storage

IZES Best Poster Award

Name Kosuke Umeda
Grade M2
Date 2022/1/12
Award Title Best Poster Award
Promoter International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy System
Title Development of electrolyte in metal-supported solid oxide electrolysis cells on CO2 electrolysis performance

IZES Poster Award

Name Tetta Enosawa
Grade M2
Date 2022/1/12
Award Title Poster Award
Promoter International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy System
Title Material Development for Thermochemical Energy Storage Using Magnesium Chloride and Ammonia Gas-Solid Reaction System for utilization of energy

IZES Poster Award

Name Kyosuke Mochizuki
Grade M2
Date 2022/1/12
Award Title Poster Award
Promoter International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy System
Title Development of thermochemical energy storage materials with enhanced thermal conductivities using calcium hydroxide and silicon-impregnated silicon carbide foam

IZES Poster Award

Name Sho Kuzukami
Grade M2
Date 2022/1/12
Award Title Poster Award
Promoter International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy System
Title Effect on electrolysis performance depending on cell layer composition of metal-supported solid oxide electrolysis cells

Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science Best Presentation Award

Name Kohei Harada
Grade M2
Date 2022/12/1
Award Title Best Presentation Award
Promoter Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Title Preparation of PdCu composite H2-permeable membranes by a reverse build-up method

R4 March, Kakuyukai Award

Name Saki Yoshida
Date 2022/3/28
Award Title R4 March, Kakuyukai Award  修士論文賞
Promotor Kakuyukai
Title アンモニア系化学蓄熱ための塩化マグネシウム複合材料の開発

CUUTE-1 Poster Award

Name Saki Yoshida
Grade M2
Date 2021/12/17
Award Title CUUTE-1 Poster Award
Promotor Organizing Committee of The first symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for The Global Environment, Nara, Japan (CUUTE-1)
Title Evaluation of chemical heat pump performance of magnesium chloride and ammonia system

CUUTE-1 Poster Award

Name Sho Kuzukami
Grade M1
Date 2021/12/17
Award Title CUUTE-1 Poster Award
Promotor Organizing Committee of The first symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for The Global Environment, Nara, Japan (CUUTE-1)
Title Electrolysis performance of a metal supported-solid oxide electrolysis cell for low-carbon iron making process

R3 March, Kakuyukai Award

Name Takahiro Furuya
Date 2021/3/26
Award Title R3 March, Kakuyukai Award 修士論文賞
Promotor Kakuyukai
Title 熱化学エネルギー貯蔵のための水酸化カルシウム複合材料充填層実験に関する研究

R2 September, Kakuyukai Award

Name Shigehiko Funayama
Date 2020/9/25
Award Title 2 September, Kakuyukai Award
Promotor Kakuyukai
Title Development of composite materials using calcium oxide for thermochemical energy storage

The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Young Outstanding Lecture Fellow Award

Name Junko Kaneko
Date 2020/6/19
Award Title Young Outstanding Lecture Fellow Award
Promotor The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Title 金属塩化物/アンモニア系向け化学蓄熱材料の開発

R2 March, The Most Outstanding Student Award

Name Junko Kaneko
Date 2020/3/26
Award Title R2 March, The Most Outstanding Student Award
Promotor Graduate Major in Nuclear Engineering , Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title 塩化マグネシウム/アンモニア系を用いた化学蓄熱材料開発

R2 March, Kakuyukai Award

Name Junko Kaneko
Date 2020/3/26
Award Title R2 March, Kakuyukai Award 修士論文賞
Promotor Kakuyukai
Title 塩化マグネシウム/アンモニア系を用いた化学蓄熱材料開発

R2 March, Best Student Award

Name Yuko Maruyama
Date 2020/3/26
Award Title R2 March, Best Student Award
Promotor Graduate Major in Nuclear Engineering , Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title 二酸化炭素還元むけ金属基板支持固体酸化物型電気分解セルの研究開発

Best Presentation Award

Name Shigehiko Funayama
Grade D3
Date 2019/11/15
Award Title Best Presentation Award
Promotor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Title 酸化カルシウム/水系を用いた高温ケミカルヒートポンプに関する研究

IMPRES2019 Best Poster Award

Name Yuko Maruyama
Grade M2
Date 2019/10/23
Award Title IMPRES2019 Best Poster Award
Promotor Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, Organizing Committee of the Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Materials and Processes in Energy Systems, Kanazawa, Japan, (IMPRES2019)
Title Development of solid oxide electrolysis cell for CO2 reduction in active carbon recycling energy system for iron-making process

Best Presentation Award, ACEEES Forum, Tenerife, Spain

Name Hiroki Takasu
Date 2017/12/19
Award Title Best Presentation Award, ACEEES Forum, Tenerife, Spain
Promotor Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science
Title Thermogravimetric study of carbonation and decarbonation process of lithium orthosilicate

EMECR2017 Student Poster Award

Name Numata Yuichi
Date 2017/10/12
Award Title EMECR2017 Student Poster Award
Promotor The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, ISIJ
Title Development of Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells for CO2 Reduction in an Active Carbon Recycling Energy System as Applied to Iron-making Process

H29 Septermber, Kakuyukai Award

Name Funayama Shigehiko
Date 2017/9/20
Award Title H29 September, Kakuyukai Award 修士論文賞
Promotor Kakuyukai
Title 熱化学エネルギー貯蔵のための酸化カルシウム充填層実験に関する研究

H29, The Society of Chemical Engineers Japan Special Student Award

Name Ohtaki Takuma
Date 2017/8/9
Award Title H29, The Society of Chemical Engineers Japan Special Student Award
Promotor The Society of Chemical Engineers Japan, Kanto Division
Title 膨張化グラファイト複合塩化カルシウムの化学蓄熱材としての反応性評価

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Best Presentation Award

Name Hiroki Takasu
Date 2017/6/30
Award Title Best Presentation Award
Promotor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Title オルトケイ酸リチウムを用いた高温化学蓄熱システムに関する研究

The JSME Paper Commendation

Name Hiroki Takasu
Date 2017/5/17
Award Title Paper Commendation
Promotor The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Title リチウム複合酸化物を用いた高温化学蓄熱に関する研究

Research Encouragement Award

Name Hiroshi Iguchi
Date 2016/12/2
Award Title Research Encouragement Award
Promotor Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Title Study on the reactivity of the chemical thermal storage material using calcium chloride mixed with support material

H28, The Most Outstanding Student Award

Name Nepomuceno Maria Caprisse Azucena
Date 2016/9/20
Award Title H28, The Most Outstanding Student Award
Promotor 東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 原子核工学専攻
賞の概要 原子核工学専攻の修士学生の修士論文発表会において、優秀な発表を行った学生を表彰し、もってその学生を激励することを目的とする。
Title Study on disk-type solid oxide electrolysis cell for carbon dioxide electrolysis for an active carbon recycling energy system

Best Poster Award

Name Jun Kariya
Grade D3
Date 2015/5/21
Award Title Best Poster Award
Promotor The 13th International Conference on Energy Storage, GREENSTOCK 2015, Beijing, China
Title Reaction Performance of Calcium Hydroxide and Vermiculite Composite for Chemical Heat Storage Application

Kakuyukai Award

Name Odtsetseg Myagmarjav
Date 2015/3/26
Award Title 博士論文賞
Promotor Kakuyukai
Title Reaction Performance Enhancement of Chemical Heat Storage Material by Lithium Bromide for Magnesium Oxide/Water Chemical Heat Pump

Research Encouragement Award

Name Jun Kariya
Grade D2
Date 2014/11/12
Award Title Research Encouragement Award
Promotor The 54th Committee on Ironmaking, Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Title Enhancement Reaction Performance of Chemical Heat Storage Material Mixed with Expanded Graphite for CaO/H2O Chemical Heat Storage

GSC poster award

Name Odtsetseg Myagmarjav
Grade D3
Date 2014/5/23
Award Title GSC poster award
Promotor The 3rd JACI/GSC Symposium
Title Development of a Magnesium Hydroxide-Expanded Graphite-Lithium Bromide Composite for Middle-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage

Outstanding Presentation Award

Name Yuki Hara
Grade M2
Date 2013/12/15
Award Title Outstanding Presentation Award
Promotor International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2013
Title Kinetic performance study of Mg(OH)2-Ni(OH)2 composites prepared by mechanochemical method

Research Encouragement Award

Name Arnoldus Lambertus Dipu
Grade D3
Date 2013/11/29
Award Title Research Encouragement Award
Promotor JSPS No.54 Committee on Iron-making
Title Carbon Dioxide Electrolysis in Ni-YSZ|YSZ|LSM-YSZ Cell for a Carbon Recycling Iron-making System

Best presentation award

Name Massimiliano Zamengo
Grade D3
Date 2013/11/8
Award Title Best presentation award
Promotor The 4th COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-4)
Title Chemical heat storage of thermal energy from a nuclear reactor by using a magnesium hydroxide/expanded graphite composite material

Presentation Award of INES-4

Name Odtsetseg Myagmarjav
Grade D2
Date 2013/11/8
Award Title Presentation Award of INES-4
Promotor The Fourth International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems 2013 (INES-4)
Title Dehydration Kinetic Study of Chemical Heat Storage Material with Lithium Bromide used for Magnesium Oxide/Water Chemical Heat Pump

IMPRES2013 Best Paper Award

Name Odtsetseg Myagmarjav
Grade D2
Date 2013/9/6
Award Title IMPRES2013 Best Paper Award
Promotor Organizing Committee of the International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2013 (IMPRES2013)